Foto - Serie A 2018/21, pubblicato invito a presentare Offerte per i diritti audiovisivi internazionali

Serie A 2018/21, pubblicato invito a presentare Offerte per i diritti audiovisivi internazionali

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Fonte: Digital-News (com.stampa)


Serie A 2018/21, pubblicato invito a presentare Offerte per i diritti audiovisivi internazionali E' disponibile, nella sezione "Documenti" del sito della Lega Serie A, l'Invito a presentare Offerte per i diritti audiovisivi internazionali relativi al Campionato di Serie A, alla Coppa Italia e alla Supercoppa Italiana per il triennio 2018/2021.

L'Invito ad Offrire include 85 pacchetti e la vendita sarà articolata per continenti, regioni e Paesi, con la possibilità per i broadcaster interessati di acquistare un singolo pacchetto oppure più pacchetti.

Le offerte per l'acquisto dovranno essere presentate alla Lega Nazionale Professionisti Serie A a partire dalle ore 9.00 di venerdì 11 agosto 2017 e fino e non oltre le ore 17.00 di venerdì 15 settembre 2017.

Clicca QUI per consultare il documento.

Tender process opens for media rights to Serie A Championship, Coppa Italia and Supercoppa Italiana from 2018-2021

Tender document available to all media operators on Monday, 7 August.
Invitation to tender open from 11 August to 15 September 2017, 5 pm CET.

Milan, Italy – Lega Serie A and its advisor Infront Sports & Media, a Wanda Sports company, have published the invitation to tender for international audio-visual rights to the Serie A Championship, Coppa Italia and Supercoppa Italiana for the 2018/2019, 2019/2020 and 2020/2021 seasons. The tender will open on 11th August. The details are published on the Lega Serie A website

After a recent international roadshow – in which Lega Serie A and Infront met a variety of stakeholders to give details on the tender, and which was a first in the history of the League – the official document is being made available to potential bidders. The invitation to tender has been built on a regional approach. Continents, regions and individual territories will be able to take up programming with the Serie A Championship, Coppa Italia and Supercoppa Italiana all offered as part of the same bidding process.

The invitation to tender includes 85 packages and interested parties can bid for a single package or for several. The audio-visual rights are offered on a platform-neutral basis, allowing broadcasters, operators and media partners to ensure the best possible exposure for Italian football.

The following table contains a list of packages and territories. The invitation to tender contains more detailed information on each.

Table 1 – Packages and available territories

Package Description Global
(except Italy, Vatican City and S. Marino)
(big continental areas)
(individual and groups of countries)
Serie A 380 matches from the premier football division in Italy X X X
Coppa Italia All produced matches from the Coppa Italia as well as the Supercoppa Italiana match X X X
Betting All Serie A matches and all produced Coppa Italia and Super-coppa Italiana matches, for exploitation outside Italy by specialist betting operators X    
In-Flight & In-Ship Serie A, Coppa Italia and Supercoppa Italiana live content for viewing on non-Italian planes and ships X    
Pick Opportunity to assign preferred Serie A matches to specific kick-off times In association only with
the Serie A Package
In association only with
the Serie A Package
In association only with
the Serie A Package
Italian Communities A dedicated Italian language package specifically intended to serve Italian communities outside Italy Available in territories with limited communities of Italians living outside of Italy Available in territories with limited communities of Italians living outside of Italy Available in territories with limited communities of Italians living outside of Italy

All offers must be received by 15 September, 5 pm CET. Lega Serie A will then start the selection process, considering bids and awarding rights to any offers considered suitable. As part of this, Lega Serie A may open private negotiations with all bidders to identify the best candidates for audio-visual rights. Potential bidders who require more information should contact Lega Serie A and Infront by 31 August, 5 pm CET.




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