
Completato lo switch off delle frequenze interferenti, Italia torna nella legalità internazionale

News inserita da: Simone Rossi (Satred)

Fonte: Digital-News (com.stampa)

Digitale Terrestre

Completato lo switch off delle frequenze interferenti, Italia torna nella legalità internazionaleIl Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico ha completato ieri il processo di spegnimento (switch off) degli impianti che interferivano sull’Adriatico con i paesi confinanti. Solo nelle Marche l’operazione è stata temporaneamente sospesa a causa del terremoto.

“Dopo decenni l’Italia delle frequenze torna nella legalità internazionale. – è il commento del sottosegretario allo Sviluppo Economico con delega alle Comunicazioni Antonello Giacomelli Nel momento di insediamento di questo governo l’ITU (International Telecommunication Union), l’Onu delle frequenze, ci ricordò che l’Italia era da tempo un'osservata speciale perché utilizzava frequenze tv non coordinate che appartenevano ai paesi confinanti. Ci siamo impegnati a rimediare e, dopo un lavoro molto complesso, oggi abbiamo mantenuto la parola e possiamo sederci ai tavoli di coordinamento con i paesi confinanti anche in vista della liberazione della banda 700”.

I problemi con Francia, Malta e Svizzera erano stati risolti nella prima metà del 2016, mentre le frequenze interferenti con Croazia e Slovenia sono state spente tra l’inizio e la fine di novembre. Nel complesso le frequenze spente sono state 12 in Puglia, 10 in Abruzzo e Molise, 9 in Friuli-Venezia Giulia, 8 in Veneto, 5 in Emilia, 4 in Sicilia, 2 in Liguria e Toscana e 1 in Lombardia.

Contemporaneamente sono state messe a disposizione 26 frequenze coordinate in Piemonte, Lombardia, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Veneto, Emilia Romagna, Abruzzo, Molise, Puglia, Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Liguria, Toscana e Sardegna, 18 delle quali sono state effettivamente assegnate in base alle richieste dei fornitori di servizi media audiovisivi.

Italy Switches Off Harmful Frequency Transmissions

Geneva, 30 November 2016ITU has been informed by the Italian Ministry of Economic Development of the successful completion of the switch-off process of television broadcasting transmissions on 61 frequencies, the use of which had been causing harmful interference into television broadcasting services of neighbouring countries since 2005.

The first report of harmful interference and request for assistance was sent to ITU's Radiocommunication Bureau by the government of Slovenia in August 2005. Since then the issue was regularly reported to ITU's Radio Regulations Board, and it involved other countries neighbouring Italy from 2011. The issue was also raised at ITU's World Radiocommunication Conferences of 2012 and 2015 and to the European Union Radio Spectrum Policy Group from 2012, with slow progress until 2014.

From 2014, under the newly elected government of Matteo Renzi, Sub-Secretary of State Antonello Giacomelli, in charge of telecommunications, initiated the adoption of a series of legislative, regulatory and financial measures to ensure that the use of frequencies by Italian television broadcasters would be brought in line with the relevant international agreements signed by Italy, i.e. ITU's Radio Regulations and the ITU Regional Agreement, Geneva, 2006, which provides the international framework for terrestrial television broadcasting in the region.  

In 2015, the process of applying these measures was initiated by the Italian Ministry of Economic Development, together with the Italian Telecommunication Regulator, AGCOM. It was successfully completed on 29 November 2016, with the only exception of the province of Marche, which was recently hit by earthquakes and for which the process has been temporarily suspended.

Houlin Zhao, ITU's Secretary General, congratulated Sub-Secretary of State Antonello Giacomelli

"for his tenacious leadership in the design, adoption and successful implementation of this complex process, overcoming a number of significant political and financial challenges. I am confident that such a process will serve as a reference to other countries in reallocating spectrum in an elegant and efficient way."

François Rancy, Director of ITU's Radiocommunication Bureau, also commended Eva Spina, Director General of Spectrum Planning and Management at the Ministry of Economic Development, and Angelo Marcello Cardani, chairman of the Italian Telecommunication Regulator, AGCOM,

"for their contribution to bringing Italian television transmissions in conformity with the international regulatory framework, thereby enabling improved provision of digital television broadcasting and mobile broadband in Europe."?