
Calcio femminile, alla Rai i diritti del Mondiale 2023 (15 partite con le gare della Nazionale italiana)

News inserita da: Simone Rossi (Satred)

Fonte: Digital-News (com.stampa)


Calcio femminile, alla Rai i diritti del Mondiale 2023 (15 partite con le gare della Nazionale italiana)La Rai, nell'ambito dell'accordo tra FIFA ed EBU, in rappresentanza delle televisioni pubbliche europee, ha acquisito i diritti di trasmissione multipiattaforma, in esclusiva free-to-air per l'Italia, dei Campionati mondiali femminili di calcio 2023, in programma dal 20 luglio al 20 agosto 2023 in Australia e Nuova Zelanda.

I diritti di trasmissione riguardano 15 partite della manifestazione iridata, comprese tutte le gare della Nazionale italiana, la partita inaugurale, le due semifinali e la finale.

L'accordo con la FIFA, poi, prevede, oltre a quelli sui Mondiali femminili 2023 anche i diritti di trasmissione del pacchetto "FIFA Other Events 2024/2027", ovvero i mondiali giovanili U20, U19 e U17, sia maschili sia femminili, e alcuni documentari prodotti dalla FIFA e dedicati ai Mondiali femminili.

«Siamo felici dell’accordo raggiunto tra Rai e FIFA per le trasmissioni delle gare delle Azzurre nella prossima Coppa del Mondo - dichiara il Presidente della FIGC Gabriele Gravina -, rappresenta un tassello importante nella prosecuzione del lavoro di promozione del calcio femminile che stiamo portando avanti con convinzione nel nostro Paese».

La Rai, grazie ad un accordo con Eleven Sports, recentemente acquisita da DAZN, si è aggiudicata anche i diritti di trasmissione, in esclusiva free-to-air per l’Italia, dei Mondiali di basket maschili, in programma dal 25 agosto al 15 settembre nelle Filippine, in Giappone e in Indonesia, e degli Europei femminili, in programma dal 15 al 25 giugno in Israele – prima fase - e Slovenia. I diritti di trasmissione riguardano tutte le partite delle due rappresentative azzurre, a partire da Italia-Repubblica Ceca, che giovedì 15 giugno alle 14.00, ora italiana, segnerà il debutto delle Azzurre, inserite nel girone B che comprende anche Israele e Belgio.

Una partnership stretta con l’obiettivo di rendere il grande basket maschile e femminile sempre più accessibile, ampliando le piattaforme attraverso le quali sarà possibile seguirlo, oltre a quelle OTT.  Le tre gare della prima fase della rappresentativa azzurra saranno trasmesse in diretta su Rai Sport HD, con il commento di Maurizio Fanelli e Alice Pedrazzi. La Federazione Italiana Pallacanestro, in una nota, ha ringraziato Rai, DAZN e Eleven Sports per l’importante accordo raggiunto.

FIFA and EBU extend agreement
for FIFA Women’s World Cup™ rights
and commit to promoting women’s football

The European Broadcasting Union (EBU) and FIFA have agreed to extend their existing media rights partnership, ensuring that the upcoming FIFA Women’s World Cup Australia & New Zealand 2023™ will be broadcast on the EBU’s free-to-air linear TV network across 34 European territories, whilst also making a substantial additional commitment to the regular transmission of women’s football content beyond the tournament. 

The memorandum of understanding follows initial discussions held at the Home of FIFA last month involving FIFA President Gianni Infantino, FIFA Chief Business Officer Romy Gai, and representatives of the EBU, led by Director General Noel Curran, and the rights include broadcast across TV, digital and radio in a new arrangement that will also see the EBU provide more promotion to women’s football than ever before, thus helping to further grow the sport. 

In October 2022, the two parties had announced an initial deal confirming that the FIFA Women’s World Cup 2023™ would be broadcast free-to-air across 28 European territories, but under this revised agreement, major European broadcast markets have been added, together with Ukraine. 

«FIFA is delighted to widen the deal with the European Broadcasting Union for the transmission of the upcoming FIFA Women’s World Cup to include the five major markets within their existing networks, namely France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom, as well as Ukraine, thus ensuring maximum exposure for the tournament,” said FIFA President Gianni Infantino. “As part of this agreement, the EBU has committed to working towards broadcasting at least one hour of weekly content dedicated to women’s football on its own digital platform and broadcaster network. This will provide a huge promotional and exposure opportunity for women’s football, which is a top priority for us in line with FIFA’s commitment to the long-term development of the sport.»

EBU Director General Noel Curran said:

«We are delighted to have been able to build on our long-term and successful relationship with FIFA to secure the rights on behalf of Europe’s biggest public-service broadcasters. The FIFA Women’s World Cup is one of sport’s most exciting and fastest growing events and we are committed to working hand-in-hand with FIFA to ensure the women’s game is enjoyed by as many people as possible across the continent. We see women’s football as being central to our content strategy and one of the cornerstones of the new digital platform we hope to launch next year.»

EBU Members, including ARD/ZDF (Germany), BBC/ITV (UK), France Télévisions, RAI (Italy) and RTVE (Spain), will also undertake to help market the tournament across all their channels as part of the EBU’s long-term strategy to promote the growth of women’s football in Europe and beyond. In Ukraine, the tournament will be shown by EBU Member, UA:PBC.

The new agreement continues the success story and legacy that was established with the FIFA-EBU partnership to broadcast the FIFA Women’s World Cup France 2019™, where EBU Members reported record audience figures as coverage of this event signalled a landmark moment for women’s sport. 

The FIFA Women’s World Cup Australia & New Zealand 2023, which is the first to be held in the southern hemisphere and hosted in the Asia-Pacific region, will feature 32 teams, eight more than the previous edition in 2019, and will comprise 64 matches kicking off on Thursday, 20 July 2023 and concluding with the final at Sydney/Gadigal’s Stadium Australia on Sunday, 20 August 2023. 

List of territories in which EBU Members will broadcast the FIFA Women's World Cup Australia & New Zealand 2023: Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Estonia, France, Georgia, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland (Republic of), Italy, Kosovo, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Türkiye, Ukraine, United Kingdom




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