E' disponibile, nella sezione "Documenti" del sito della Lega Serie A, l'Invito a presentare Offerte per i diritti audiovisivi internazionali relativi al Campionato di Serie A, alla Coppa Italia e alla Supercoppa Italiana per il triennio 2018/2021.
L'Invito ad Offrire include 85 pacchetti e la vendita sarà articolata per continenti, regioni e Paesi, con la possibilità per i broadcaster interessati di acquistare un singolo pacchetto oppure più pacchetti.
Le offerte per l'acquisto dovranno essere presentate alla Lega Nazionale Professionisti Serie A a partire dalle ore 9.00 di venerdì 11 agosto 2017 e fino e non oltre le ore 17.00 di venerdì 15 settembre 2017.
Clicca QUI per consultare il documento.
Tender process opens for media rights to Serie A Championship, Coppa Italia and Supercoppa Italiana from 2018-2021
Tender document available to all media operators on Monday, 7 August.
Invitation to tender open from 11 August to 15 September 2017, 5 pm CET.
Milan, Italy – Lega Serie A and its advisor Infront Sports & Media, a Wanda Sports company, have published the invitation to tender for international audio-visual rights to the Serie A Championship, Coppa Italia and Supercoppa Italiana for the 2018/2019, 2019/2020 and 2020/2021 seasons. The tender will open on 11th August. The details are published on the Lega Serie A website www.legaseriea.it
After a recent international roadshow – in which Lega Serie A and Infront met a variety of stakeholders to give details on the tender, and which was a first in the history of the League – the official document is being made available to potential bidders. The invitation to tender has been built on a regional approach. Continents, regions and individual territories will be able to take up programming with the Serie A Championship, Coppa Italia and Supercoppa Italiana all offered as part of the same bidding process.
The invitation to tender includes 85 packages and interested parties can bid for a single package or for several. The audio-visual rights are offered on a platform-neutral basis, allowing broadcasters, operators and media partners to ensure the best possible exposure for Italian football.
The following table contains a list of packages and territories. The invitation to tender contains more detailed information on each.
Table 1 – Packages and available territories
Package | Description | Global (except Italy, Vatican City and S. Marino) |
Continent (big continental areas) |
Countries (individual and groups of countries) |
Serie A | 380 matches from the premier football division in Italy | X | X | X |
Coppa Italia | All produced matches from the Coppa Italia as well as the Supercoppa Italiana match | X | X | X |
Betting | All Serie A matches and all produced Coppa Italia and Super-coppa Italiana matches, for exploitation outside Italy by specialist betting operators | X | ||
In-Flight & In-Ship | Serie A, Coppa Italia and Supercoppa Italiana live content for viewing on non-Italian planes and ships | X | ||
Pick | Opportunity to assign preferred Serie A matches to specific kick-off times | In association only with the Serie A Package |
In association only with the Serie A Package |
In association only with the Serie A Package |
Italian Communities | A dedicated Italian language package specifically intended to serve Italian communities outside Italy | Available in territories with limited communities of Italians living outside of Italy | Available in territories with limited communities of Italians living outside of Italy | Available in territories with limited communities of Italians living outside of Italy |
All offers must be received by 15 September, 5 pm CET. Lega Serie A will then start the selection process, considering bids and awarding rights to any offers considered suitable. As part of this, Lega Serie A may open private negotiations with all bidders to identify the best candidates for audio-visual rights. Potential bidders who require more information should contact Lega Serie A and Infront by 31 August, 5 pm CET.